Sunday, June 04, 2006

Teacher Information

Teacher Information:
This webquest is designed for students grades 8 and higher.

These assignments:
  1. Require knowledge of how to look up information and cite refrences
  2. Teach students to apply material to a verbal presentation and visual product
  3. Expand students awarness of culture
  4. Prepare students for other public speaking experiences
  5. Require the knowledge of how to navigate a website
  6. Encourage the correct usage of the English language
Learning objectives:
To allow students to expand their knowledge of foreign countries while using skills such as gathering research, teamwork as well as public speaking.

Grading: This assignment is worth 130 points and is described in the link called Project Requirements.

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Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Teacher Information

Project Requirements

Guards marching at Buckingham Palace

Project Requirements

Project Outline -
Assignment #1:
  • This assignement is worth 50 points based on the following:
For the Queen's Life option:
  1. Correct spelling/grammar usage (10 points)
  2. The use and citing of at least three refrences -- at least one refrence from a non-internet source (10 points)
  3. A minimum of 15 events in cronological order (25 points)
  4. Use of photographs (5 points)
For the 80 facts about the queen option:
  1. Correct spelling/grammar usage (10 points)
  2. The usage and citing of at least three refrences -- at least one refrence from a non-internet source (10 points)
  3. A minimum of three facts which have been expanded in your research (20 points)
  4. Teacher approval on topic (5 points)
  5. Use of photographs (5 points)

Assignment #2:
  • This assignement is also worth 50 points, and is based on the following
  1. Correct spelling/grammar usage (10 points)
  2. Usage and citing of at least two refrences -- at least one refrence from a non-internet source (5 points)
  3. Choice of one of the cities listed (5 points)
  4. All required information is included (25 points)
  5. Use of photographs (5 points)
  6. ** A maximum of 5 extra credit points are available to all students who find extra information about your city!
  • You and your partner from the second assignment will present together at the same time. One of you will go first with assignment one, then the other student will present assignment one. You may use note while speaking. Then together, you will both present assignement two. You will be graded on the following:
  1. Equal participation in speaking during the presentation (5 points)
  2. Use of proper grammar and ability for audience to understand you (5 points)
  3. Inclusion of all pertinent facts with both assignments in presentation (15 points)
  4. Length of entire presentation is between 5 and 10 minutes long (5 points)

Totals Points for this webquest: 130 points

UK Home

Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Teacher Information

Project Requirements

Stonehenge, three km west of the town of Amesbury, Wiltshire in southern England.

Assignment #2

(Click on image to enlarge map)

Here are the directions for your second assignment:

1. You and a partner will pick one of the following cities in England to research.
  • London
  • Worchester
  • Norwhich
  • Winchester
  • Penzance
  • Blackpool
  • Liverpool
  • Derby
  • Nottingham
  • York
  • Newcastle
2. You will create a travel brochure for each of your cities. There are certian points of interest that you are going to have to research. You are required to include the following information in each brochure:
  • Latitude and Longitude
  • Population
  • Climate
  • Currency
  • Elevation
  • Historical sites (if any)
  • Type of government
  • Local customs
  • A brief history of the city
  • One famous person's birth (if any)
Please include at least three photographs in your pamphlet, and more interesting facts! There is a lot of cool stuff out there, and it is your mission to find it!

3. These brochures will be presented at the same time at your presentation from assignment one. Remember, always cite ALL of you refrences!

UK Home

Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Teacher Information

Project Requirements

Photo of a double decker bus in London

Assignment #1

1. Your first mission is to go to the following web site: British Monarchy

2. Scroll down to the quick link section, and click on 80th Birthday site, or click this link: 80th Birthday Site

3. Check out the 6 links on the left side of the page.

4. Your first assignment will involve the following 2 links:

a. The Queen’s Life

b. 80 Facts about the Queen

5. For your first assignment, you may choose either one of the two links above.
  • For those of you who choose The Queen’s Life, your task is to create a time line. Information may be retrieved from this website, or other refrences. Remember to checkout refrences at the library, too! In your time line you should include information about the queen's life and accomplishments. It should include pictures of ther, as well. (Other websites may be used to find pictures. Try searching "Google Images" for "Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor").
You might find the following links usefull also:
Elizabeth II Royalty
The Biography Channel
Your timeline will be presented to the class. You will also need to cite ALL refrences. Remember, all work should be in your own words.

  • For those of you who choose 80 Facts about the Queen, your task is to choose any 3 facts, and research those topics in more depth. For example, fact number one states: "Queen Elizabeth II is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England." With this fact, you could research William the Conqueror, and how he obtained the crown. This project is only limited by your imagination! You will need to get the okay on your ideas from the teacher before you begin. Your final project will be a poster presentation to the class about your 3 facts. You will need pictures and multiple refrences. Remember to cite ALL information.
To move onto your assignment #2, click on the link below!

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Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Teacher Information

Project Requirements

Photo of Big Ben Clock Tower

Introduction to England WebQuest:

Your quest:

1. You will be going on a Web Quest journey through the great country of England. You will learn facts about the queen, England's history, famous people from England, landmarks and other interesting facts!

2. All standards for this project are listed in the project requirements section.

3. I have included several websites for you to use as a refrence. Feel free to use them, but also include others, as well.

4. At the end of every web page of this quest, I have included a photograph and caption. Feel free to use the images or ideas in your projects, but you are not required to do so.

To get started, click on Assignment #1 listed below:

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Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Teacher Information

Project Requirements

Photo of England's currency.