Sunday, June 04, 2006

Assignment #1

1. Your first mission is to go to the following web site: British Monarchy

2. Scroll down to the quick link section, and click on 80th Birthday site, or click this link: 80th Birthday Site

3. Check out the 6 links on the left side of the page.

4. Your first assignment will involve the following 2 links:

a. The Queen’s Life

b. 80 Facts about the Queen

5. For your first assignment, you may choose either one of the two links above.
  • For those of you who choose The Queen’s Life, your task is to create a time line. Information may be retrieved from this website, or other refrences. Remember to checkout refrences at the library, too! In your time line you should include information about the queen's life and accomplishments. It should include pictures of ther, as well. (Other websites may be used to find pictures. Try searching "Google Images" for "Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor").
You might find the following links usefull also:
Elizabeth II Royalty
The Biography Channel
Your timeline will be presented to the class. You will also need to cite ALL refrences. Remember, all work should be in your own words.

  • For those of you who choose 80 Facts about the Queen, your task is to choose any 3 facts, and research those topics in more depth. For example, fact number one states: "Queen Elizabeth II is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the crown of England." With this fact, you could research William the Conqueror, and how he obtained the crown. This project is only limited by your imagination! You will need to get the okay on your ideas from the teacher before you begin. Your final project will be a poster presentation to the class about your 3 facts. You will need pictures and multiple refrences. Remember to cite ALL information.
To move onto your assignment #2, click on the link below!

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