Sunday, June 04, 2006

Teacher Information

Teacher Information:
This webquest is designed for students grades 8 and higher.

These assignments:
  1. Require knowledge of how to look up information and cite refrences
  2. Teach students to apply material to a verbal presentation and visual product
  3. Expand students awarness of culture
  4. Prepare students for other public speaking experiences
  5. Require the knowledge of how to navigate a website
  6. Encourage the correct usage of the English language
Learning objectives:
To allow students to expand their knowledge of foreign countries while using skills such as gathering research, teamwork as well as public speaking.

Grading: This assignment is worth 130 points and is described in the link called Project Requirements.

UK Home

Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Teacher Information

Project Requirements

Guards marching at Buckingham Palace


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